October 3, 2016

I’ve been slacking a little bit on my blog, I’ve been really focused on my training and getting my weight down. but I am going to try better! Here is a little bit of a video, this is what I do for most of my work outs, at least on my own.


This is one of my ab work outs that I do after my cardio.

I downloaded an app called Tabata, it is set to 30 seconds on and 10 seconds off. I do each individual work out for 4 sets. For my rounds on the bag I usually do about 10-15 rounds of kicks and speed punching.

You can. I can. You will. I will. End of story.


September 7, 2016

Dear Woman,
You’ll be to much woman. Too smart, Too beautiful, Too strong, Too much of something. That makes a man feel like less of a man,
which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman. The biggest mistake you can make is removing jewels from your crown to make it easier for a man to carry.When this happens, i need you to understand,
You dont not need a smaller crown-
You need a man with bigger hands.

One thing I struggled with for a long time was feeling manly because of lifting, because of working out and especially being in a male dominate sport. Most of my friends had always been in relationship besides me and I thought it was always because of the things I liked to do and the way I carried myself. Not to long ago I realized, I don’t care. I love me and I love fighting. Nothing is going to stop me from doing the things I love, especially not a man. So my only advice is do what you love and let NO ONE hold you back. The people that truly care will be there to support you on your journey and accept you for the badass that you are!


You can. I can. You will. I will. End of story.

September 1, 2016

“I don’t have time is the grown-up version of “the dog ate my homework.”

Today I really just wanted to go home and sit on my butt, I had a rough day at work and I just wanted to sit and be upset about my day! But instead I decided to drink my pre workout, but my big girl pants on and get to the gym! You can’t see results if you don’t make the effort!

So my day definitely turned around once I got to the gym, I got in a great work out and then when I got home my package was waiting at my door for me! Let me tell ya I have been waiting ever so patiently for this package because I am soooo impatient. I am finally a Beachbody coach and I am so excited to start this new journey and not only help people achieve their goals but crush some of mine!



Peppered Ground Turkey

Cottage Cheese with Tomatoes and pepper



My Work out consisted of :

10 min Stair Stepper

5 min Row

4 sets of 12 Bench Press

4 sets of 12 Standing Dumbell Tricep Extension

4 sets of 12 Bicep Curl with Bar


Tabata Abs :

I have a Tabata app/timer, I have it set to 20 second rounds and off for 10 seconds.

Normal crunches (with and without medicine ball)

Criss Cross Crunch

Leg lifts


Russian Twists

Inward, Outward leg lifts

So I do all of these around 3-4 times each and then that’s usually the end of my work out! Eventually I will move the time to 30 seconds!


You can. I can. You will. I will. End of story.




August 29, 2016


I may not be exactly where I want to be but its definitely a start. Staying motivated, eating properly and exercising regularly is HARD WORK. But you have go to keep going, keep moving forward! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve given up and started again but nothing feels better than seeing results and know that you’re fueling your body properly.

I used to be almost 200 pounds and I tell ya, it was super hard for me to get out of the drinking and fast food. I was super depressed and I thought that drinking and eating would just solve all of my problems. If I can get out of that rut, then anyone can! You have to believe in yourself and continue to believe that your path is the right one!  There is always going to be bumps in the road but take the bumps head on and show them who is in control. Don’t ever look back wondering WHAT IF!

Eventually I’m going to start video taping my work outs so viewers can start using them! Also recipes!

Positive mind! Positive Outcomes!

You can. I can. You Will. I will. End of story!

p.s. i know i have a dirty mirror lol


August 27, 2016

Today has already been an amazing day! Woke up early, got some of my business information filled out, worked out, ran to the mall and even got sushi!

Working out with a friend is so much easier, it makes it more fun and you can push each other. We got 20 min of cardio, arms and legs in, tabata’s with abs and sat in the sauna. We got a lot done today in such a short period of time. I couldn’t tell you how much my life has changed even just in the past week from working out, eating healthier and maintaining a positive attitude! Make it a great Saturday Everyone!

You can. I can. You will. I will. End of story!

p.s. I’m in love with my new shaker bottle !

August 26, 2016

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Its Friday I still stuck to my good eating habits! Even though I wanted so badly to indulge! I also got some exciting news for today I started my own business and there is much more exciting information to come with it!! ( soon enough ;)) I was tired from a LONG work day, but I made it through! I got a 60 minute work out in! Whoot Whoot. 30 min cardio, followed by 3 sets of tabata work outs, that included only abs! After that got a 5 min row in and got to about 1000 meters!! As well as I’m obsessed with my new pre-work out, C4, blue razz it tastes like a blue jolly rancher!

Just know on your worst day you can do anything as long as you have the right mindset!

You can. I can. You will. I will. End Of Story.